Beautifully Flawed 2015
If you follow me on any social
media then you already have an idea of where I was last week or if you randomly
stumbled across this blog let me tell you what I was doing. I was roaming the
sandy beaches of Del Mar, California, riding the waves in the Pacific Ocean
with shark attack survivor and professional surfer Bethany Hamilton (maybe
you've seen her in the movie about her life, Soul Surfer) and making new
friendships with amputee women from all over the United States. What a wonderful,
powerful, inspiring and encouraging few days it was.
It was late in the summer of 2013
that I applied to attend the Beautifully Flawed retreat not knowing it would
forever change my life. Two and a half years and three retreats later and Beautifully
Flawed is still making imprints on my heart. Beautifully Flawed is a retreat
for young women with limb loss. It was hosted by the Friends of Bethany
Foundation with Bethany Hamilton, Lauren Scruggs and Sarah Hill. If you have no
idea who these women are I encourage you to check them out. All three of them
have insanely powerful stories.
I have been fortunate enough to
have the opportunity to partner with and share my story at the last two
retreats. As I sat in a room full of beautiful women who all have stories of
their own I could not help but be overwhelmed with the presence of God. Each
one of those girls who surrounded me had to overcome something extremely hard,
painful, and even very tragic; each of them, myself included experienced loss.
Yet there we all were sitting in a beach house in beautiful California,
laughing, loving on one another, looking past our scars and limb losses.
It was a beautiful experience
watching the girls walk in ashamed of their limb loss and scars, trying to hide
them behind prosthesis and baggy shirts to seeing them by the end of
the weekend remove their prosthesis for the first time and
accepting that God has amazing plans behind each scar. There is purpose in our
The theme of the 2015 retreat was
‘thankfulness’ with the theme verse being 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this
is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”
…In all circumstances give thanks…
It is so easy to
be thankful when life is great and going the right way. But what about when
life throws you a curve ball? Let’s stop and think about that for a second. Think
of something difficult, something hard that you have had to face, something
that was out of your control, that hurt you to your core. Were you thankful
during that time? Were you mad? Bitter? We are reminded in Thessalonians that
we must be thankful in ALL circumstances. Not just the good ones but the
difficult ones too.
You guys, some
of the ladies on this retreat have stories that will just break your heart. A
mother of two young children within the last six months lost all four of her
limbs. A young girl with no right arm and no left hand is the happiest girl I
have ever met. A girl who walks on a prosthesis that causes blisters still
wears a smile on her face from ear to ear.
Now what did you
complain about today?
Having to wash
those dirty dishes? Be thankful you have
food to eat.
Having to go to
work? Be thankful you have a job.
Having to go to
practice? Be thankful for your athletic ability.
Having to do
laundry? Be thankful you have clothes to
It honestly
makes me sick to my stomach when I see and hear some of the things people
complain about. I am pretty positive the young mother of two would love to wash
dirty dishes with her hands again. I am sure the young girl who walks on a prosthesis
would love to run on two legs that do not cause pain or blisters.
There is so much
to be thankful for. We just need to stop and focus on how blessed we really
are. Even during the hard times you can find something to be thankful for. It
might not be easy but it is worth it.
I am thankful to
be a part of Beautifully Flawed. I am thankful for the friendships I have made.
I am thankful for Bethany Hamilton and how she uses her pain and loss for a
greater purpose. I am thankful God allowed me to lose my hand. God has a
purpose in each of our painful stories.
Everyone has a
story. Each story is different. Each story is unique. How do you choose to live
out your story?
Are you more
thankful for what you do have or do you focus more of your time on what you do
not have?
Are you thankful
in all circumstances or just the ones that go your way?
My favorite
quote of the weekend was by Sarah Hill and I am going to pass it along and hope
it challenges you too…
“God gave you
the gift of 86,400 seconds today, have you used one of those to thank
Beautiful blog Carley! If I post this twice it is because I am not sure it took the first time. Your blog made me think about how God only chooses those who can endure his gifts from him. Thank you for sharing about the retreat . What a beautiful experience for all of you they have provided and what a service of their love to share. You are a beautiful writer keep posting.