Take A Picture It Will Last Longer

Why are you complaining?

When I think about the word amputation or amputee I really don't even think of myself to be a part of that category. I don't see myself as being different, handicapped or disabled. Yes sometimes it would be nice to have a handicapped sticker for my car especially on Black Friday ;) hehe. But I honestly don't think that by having a missing hand makes me any different then you. Yes I may look different then you on the outside but what is on the inside is what matters the most. Go ahead and stare, take your time look at me and see that yes I can do what you are doing but I do it with one hand. I am walking around with a piece of me missing but that is not stopping me from being who I am.  It is not holding me back. It is not an obstacle. It is just my new normal.
           I retell my story to new people that I meet and sometimes I forget that I actually lived it. All those nights in a hospital bed. The hundreds of blood draws and IV pokes.  Surgery after surgery and that excruciating pain are now just memories. I still consider myself right handed, I know kind of weird right? But because of the “phantom pain” my hand still feels like it is there. So as I walk around and live my life, I forget that I am missing something until I see people do double takes. I find it funny when people stare. It doesn't bother me, go ahead and take a picture it will last longer ;) But always remember...
          I am not handicapped.
          I am not disabled.
          I am no different then you.
          But I am an AMPUTEE
          and I'm proud to be.

So from now on think twice before judging those around you because you never know what they have been through, everyone has a story.
"God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”   
1 Samuel 16:7


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